This week’s Blue Light Special asked the question ‘how would you indicate if you wished to turn right or u-turn on the roundabout below?’ To turn right or u-turn you should use the following steps.
Position your vehicle in the right lane unless arrows on the road or signs indicate otherwise.
- Use your right indicator when you enter the roundabout.
- Give way to all vehicles already on the roundabout.
- Before exiting, use your left indicator and follow the exit lane marking.
- Stop indicating as soon as you have left the roundabout.
If you did not signal right when entering the roundabout you would have earned yourself $66 and 2 demerit points. You could then earn a bonus $66 and another 2 demerit points if you also failed to indicate left before leaving the roundabout.
The Queensland Road Rules use the terms ‘less than half-way round’ and ‘more than half-way round’. So for a roundabout with five entry points, any turn that exits the roundabout more than half-way round is considered to be a right turn.
To turn left you would indicate left on entering the roundabout and continue to do so until you have exited the roundabout. To go straight ahead you would not use your indicator until you are ready to exit and then you use your left indicator to exit.
For an animated video of signalling at roundabouts visit the Department of Transport and Main Roads website.
Content courtesy of Department of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland